Jeff May


Jeff May

I accepted Christ as my Lord and savior when I was 9 years old and felt God's call to ministry.  I served in the church leading Bible studies and worked with all ages.  I was working with college students and had the opportunity to preach.  I felt comfortable in the pulpit, and it was at that time, I knew what my calling was.  I was licensed to the ministry and a few years later, ordained and started pastoring by -vocationally . I have had the privilege of being the pastor for 4 churches in three states. Over the years I have seen God do amazing things and bless in wonderful ways.

I am married and to a wonderful wife of 26 years and have two children.  My son is happily married and working in the area he went to college for and my daughter is pursing her college college degree.  I enjoy the outdoors, watching and sometimes playing sports, and going on adventures with my wife.

I look forward to meeting you and your family, and as we move forward Knowing God, Serving god, and Sharing God's love in all that we do.